error(); $dberrno = $this->errno(); if($dberrno == 1114) { ?> Max Onlines Reached

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Discuz! info: $message\n\n"; } if(isset($GLOBALS['_DSESSION']['discuz_user'])) { $errmsg .= "User: ".htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['_DSESSION']['discuz_user'])."\n"; } $errmsg .= "Time: ".gmdate("Y-n-j g:ia", $timestamp + ($GLOBALS['timeoffset'] * 3600))."\n"; $errmsg .= "Script: ".$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']."\n\n"; if($sql) { $errmsg .= "SQL: ".htmlspecialchars($sql)."\n"; } $errmsg .= "Error: $dberror\n"; $errmsg .= "Errno.: $dberrno"; echo "\n"; echo "

"; echo nl2br($errmsg); if($GLOBALS['adminemail']) { $errlog = array(); if(@$fp = fopen(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/dberror.log', 'r')) { while((!feof($fp)) && count($errlog) < 20) { $log = explode("\t", fgets($fp, 50)); if($timestamp - $log[0] < 86400) { $errlog[$log[0]] = $log[1]; } } fclose($fp); } if(!in_array($dberrno, $errlog)) { $errlog[$timestamp] = $dberrno; @$fp = fopen(DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/dberror.log', 'w'); @flock($fp, 2); foreach(array_unique($errlog) as $dateline => $errno) { @fwrite($fp, "$dateline\t$errno"); } @fclose($fp); if(function_exists('errorlog')) { errorlog('MySQL', basename($GLOBALS['_SERVER']['PHP_SELF'])." : $dberror - ".cutstr($sql, 120), 0); } echo "

An error report has been dispatched to our administrator."; @sendmail($GLOBALS['adminemail'], '[Discuz!] MySQL Error Report', "There seems to have been a problem with the database of your Discuz! Board\n\n". strip_tags($errmsg)."\n\n". "Please check-up your MySQL server and forum scripts, similar errors will not be reported again in recent 24 hours\n". "If you have troubles in solving this problem, please visit Discuz! Community"); } else { echo '

Similar error report has beed dispatched to administrator before.'; } } echo '

'; function_exists('dexit') ? dexit() : exit(); } ?>
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